Gather In Style

I cannot believe September is here already! I’m still soaking up every bit of summer. Our garden is still producing tomatoes, onions, and lima beans. On my list to do is harvest the basil, sage, parsley, and basil so I will have that through the winter. 

bon COOK has a NEW PRODUCT guide. This is so helpful. There is so much information on all of the FORTEEZ line, plus the FRENCH PANTRY items. Make sure to take a look!

September is here already…

Play Dough Cookie
Desserts, Snacks Michele Jenkins Desserts, Snacks Michele Jenkins

Play Dough Cookie

This cookie recipe comes from a friend who made these for her children, and mine too. It's the perfect cookie for children because any colors can be used for the occasion, they are simple to make, and they will have fun deciding what colors to use.

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Hamburger Buns
Brunch, Dinner Michele Jenkins Brunch, Dinner Michele Jenkins

Hamburger Buns

I have never made my own buns before, but I had this recipe pinned from Pinterest and decided to try it because the recipe looked fairly simple. I was right! They are very easy and remind me of the Brioche Buns you purchase in the store.

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