Gather In Style

I cannot believe September is here already! I’m still soaking up every bit of summer. Our garden is still producing tomatoes, onions, and lima beans. On my list to do is harvest the basil, sage, parsley, and basil so I will have that through the winter. 

bon COOK has a NEW PRODUCT guide. This is so helpful. There is so much information on all of the FORTEEZ line, plus the FRENCH PANTRY items. Make sure to take a look!

September is here already…

Marinated Tomato BLT's
Lunch, Dinner Michele Jenkins Lunch, Dinner Michele Jenkins

Marinated Tomato BLT's

This is another way to enjoy all of the tomatoes from the garden. There is nothing better than a BLT with garden tomatoes. Make sure to toast the bread as this will support everything. This is a summer dream dinner!

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Power Bowl
Dinner, Lunch Michele Jenkins Dinner, Lunch Michele Jenkins

Power Bowl

A power bowl can be anything you want it to be. These bowls are nice for dinner and make a good lunch as well. Add in grilled chicken, fish, pork, or shrimp if you would like to add protein.

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