Homemade Applesauce

Tools used: Round Mold, Octagonal Bonmat, Masher


  • 4-6 large sized Granny Smith Apples

  • Cinnamon


  • Place the Medium or Large Round Mold on a microwave safe plate.

  • Peel and core the apples, and cut into chunks. Then, place the apples in the Round Mold and sprinkle liberally with cinnamon.

  • Cover with the Octagonal Bonmat and cook for 6-8 minutes.

  • Carefully peel away the Octagonal bonmat. Check for doneness using a fork.

  • Use the Masher to mash the apples or leave them slightly chunky.

*There is no need to buy applesauce when you can make it in minutes. I like to use Granny Smith apples because they have a tart sweet taste. They also cook well and all you need is cinnamon. Try adding some freshly ground nutmeg too. Everyone is surprised when I make this for cooking classes. They are surprised how good it is (and super easy) and there is no added sugar!


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