Easy Baguettes


bon COOK products used:
Perforated Baking Sheet, Silform Bread Tray, Stainless Mixing Bowl, Scraper, Heat Resistant Spatula, Roul'pat


  • 1 TBSP instant yeast

  • 1 2/3 cup water

  • 3 2/3 cup all-purpose flour

  • 1 1/2 tsp


  1. In Stainless Mixing Bowl, mix the yeast with the water. Add the flour, then the salt. Stir with Heat Resistant Spatula (the dough does not need to be smooth). Cover bowl with Octagonal Bonmat and let sit at room temperature for two hours.

  2. After two hours, preheat oven to 465 degrees. Place Silform Bread Tray on Large Perforated Baking Sheet and set aside.

  3. Using Scraper of Heat Resistant Spatula, divide the dough into fourths, and place on Roul'pat. Knead each piece and fold over itself until it is in the shape of a log. Using your hands, roll dough back and forth and out, forming a long roll. Place each roll directly in the Silform Bread Tray. With a blade or knife, slash the top of each baguette.

  4. Bake for 25-30 minutes.


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