Deviled Eggs

Deviled eggs are a staple for our family during the summer months and really all year long at family gatherings. There are so many ways to make deviled eggs. Some recipes call for relish or diced pickles, and they are even served in restaurants as an appetizer. My mom taught me how to make deviled eggs when I was young. She never measured out the ingredients but just added as she went.  I am including step by step photos to be helpful.

bon COOK tools used: Masher, Mini Spatula, Pastry Bag, Pastry Bag Stand, Pastry Bag Tip (wide star tip)


  • 1 dozen hard boiled eggs

  • Mayonnaise

  • Yellow Mustard

  • Cider vinegar

  • Sugar (to taste)

  • Salt & pepper to taste

  • Parsley, chives, or paprika for garnish (optional)

*I like to purchase my eggs at least a week in advance. I do not know if this helps to have older eggs rather than fresh ones. They seem to peel a lot easier. Maybe this is an old wives tale?


  1. Bring a pot of water to a slight boil. Add the eggs carefully to the pot. Reduce the heat to a simmer and cook for 20 minutes. 

2. Drain off the hot water and add cold water to stop the cooking process. After rinsing the eggs and ice to the water and eggs, let sit for 15 minutes to cool completely. 

3. Carefully crack the eggs on the countertop (you can also roll gently) and carefully peel off the shell. 

4. Take a sharp knife and slice each egg in half, cleaning off the knife as you go if necessary. 

4. Place the cooked egg yolks in a bowl. I like to break up the yolks with a fork or potato masher. Add the mayonnaise, mustard, cider vinegar, sugar, salt and pepper. Combine with a fork, or if you like it to be fluffy I use a hand mixer to combine. 

Taste to see what needs added.  If the eggs look dry add more mayonnaise. Adjust ingredients to your taste. 

5. Fill the egg whites with a spoon or a filled Pastry Bag. 

6. Garnish with chives or parsley, or with anything you prefer. My mom always sprinkled paprika on top for color. 


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