Yummy Cinnamon Applesauce


bon Cook products used: Medium or Large Round Mold, Heat Resistant Spatula, Octagonal bonmat, Santoku Knife


  • 6 large Granny Smith Apples

  • Cinnamon


  1. Place a Medium or Large Round Mold on a microwavable safe plate.

  2. Peel and core apples and slice into chunks. Place the apples in mold.

  3. Sprinkle apples with cinnamon, as much as you like. Place Octagonal bonmat over Mold.

  4. Microwave for 8-10 minutes or until desired doneness. If you like chunky applesauce, do not cook as long.

  5. If you like smooth applesauce, use a potato masher to mash the apples, or use the Eco Chop for a smoother applesauce.

* This is my favorite way to make fresh applesauce that requires no time at all. It is a quick side to a Fall meal, and it's also perfect to make for baby food.

I do not add any sugar, as the apples have natural sugar. I have also added freshly ground nutmeg too.


Roasted Autumn Vegetables with Chicken Apple Sausage


My Time at the bon Cook Catalog Shoot!