My Time at the bon Cook Catalog Shoot!

I have never been part of a catalog shoot before or even knew what it entailed. Our team at bon COOK organized everything. It seemed like an overwhelming task, but our team worked together to bring the catalog to fruition.

The ladies who helped make the shoot possible were featured on the inside front cover and under the CEO’s comments. It was such an honor to be a part of this!

The ladies who helped make the shoot possible were featured on the inside front cover and under the CEO’s comments. It was such an honor to be a part of this!

Who knew it takes at least an hour to arrange, and style, and make sure the lighting is just right? It was truly a collaboration. It was 3 days of hard work but also working with the best team, and to be a part of it was amazing.

We listened to our customers and created a catalog that reflects their needs and wants. I can say every page in the catalog is a partnership and a labor of love.


Yummy Cinnamon Applesauce


The New Catalog!